What I’m Not


I’m not a doctor.
I’m not a therapist.
I’m not a nutritionist.
I’m not a personal trainer.
I’m not a life coach.
I’m not a magician.
I’m not a guarantee.
I’m not the food police.
I’m not a lie detector.
I’m not a mind reader.
I’m not perfect.

I am a mom. I am a sister and a daughter and an aunt. I am a really good friend. I am a Weight Watchers member and former WW coach/leader. I am a woman who fought for her life and is still fighting every day to make healthy choices and live with balance and joy. I am a person who lost a lot of weight and gained a lot of insight along the way. I am here to share that insight with you and offer support, accountability, and guidance.
I am trusting that you understand what I am, and what I am not.